Artificial Intelligence and its role in Education

1.5 CPDs, Run time 49:45

This AMS learning live recording is our first-ever dialogue centered around Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its role in education. We'll explore the exciting potential and notable hurdles of incorporating AI into the Montessori spaces. Throughout this in-depth discussion, we'll look at the benefits of the rapidly advancing technology while also giving weight to our real apprehensions. This conversation will be facilitated by Christian Piendo from aiEDU.

Christian leads External Affairs with aiEDU. He serves as a liaison to school district leaders, nonprofit partners, and other stakeholders who help advance our mission to create equitable educational experiences to excite and empower learners everywhere with AI literacy. 

 He is an educator with classroom experience teaching STEM and developing programs that implement equitable education. Most recently, he worked at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI where he collaborated with the multidisciplinary communities surrounding artificial intelligence to pursue cutting-edge research, create useful and responsible AI, and respond thoughtfully to the societal and ethical implications of AI. He believes in a commitment to driving effective social and societal change via equitable AI education.


Artificial Intelligence and its role in Education
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  49 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  49 minutes
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