TME23 Collaborating With Parents & Employees

1.5 CPDs, TIME: 50:20

The time spent here engages participants in a "Walk About" utilizing appreciative inquiry (AI). AI is a way to engage groups of people in self-determined change. It focuses on what's working instead of what's not. In our workshop, we design appreciative inquiries and then post the questions throughout the room on large pieces of paper. The participants utilize sticky notes to respond. The data will show trends and indicate direction for the organization. It can be used with guides/families or with administrators/employees to determine goals and preferences. It offers all participants positive power.
Martha Teien, MEd, is a director, owner, and lead guide of a Montessori School in Avon, CO. Martha was a Buell EC Leadership fellow in 2020 and is presently enrolled at the University of Wisconsin Montessori doctoral program. Martha is also completing the first cohort of the AMS Instructor Academy (Early Childhood). AMS-credentialed (Early Childhood).

This webinar was originally presented at TME 2023.


Collaborating With Parents & Employees
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  50 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  50 minutes
Certificate of Professional Development
1.50 CPD credits  |  Certificate available
1.50 CPD credits  |  Certificate available