Understanding and Responding to Developmental Trauma

1.5 CPDs, Run time 41:41

In this webinar, you will learn about stress, trauma, and the implications on the developing brain. You will learn about positive stress, which builds residency. You will also learn how the brain is impacted when stress or trauma becomes too much. We will consider implications for the classroom, and your role as the prepared adult. Most importantly, you will learn about how to respond in the classroom and contribute to the healing of trauma. We will discuss behavior, relationships, and resilience. The topic will be approached through a neurobiological perspective informed by the Neurosequential Model in Education.

This webinar was originally presented at TME 2022.


Understanding and Responding to Developmental Trauma
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Certificate of Professional Development
1.50 CPD credits  |  Certificate available
1.50 CPD credits  |  Certificate available