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Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
We'll define the facets of digital citizenship and offer pathways to exploring these essential life skills in the classroom.
1.5 CPDs, Run Time: 52:00
Though we may remember a time before the internet, our students do not: They are growing up exploring the wilderness of the online world, full of both opportunities and possible pitfalls. To help them navigate, assess risks, find nourishment, and protect their well-being, we can follow them into their digital worlds and arm them with the Swiss army knife of digital citizenship skills.
During this presentation, Christine will define the facets of digital citizenship, and offer some pathways to exploring these essential life skills in the classroom.
Christine Elgersma is Senior Editor, Learning Content, Strategy which means she manages the newsletter about learning, edits writing about learning, and loves to learn. Before coming to Common Sense, she helped create ELA curriculum for a K-12 app and taught the youth of America as a high school teacher, a community college teacher, a tutor, and a special education instructional aide for about 18 years.
Interested in Learning more about digital citizenship and Montessori take our self guided Class:
American Montessori Society: Digital Citizenship in Montessori Education
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Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
Explore neurodiversity and how neurological differences are not only disorders, but reflect the complexity of human nature.
1.5 CPDs, Run Time: 1:25:48
¡Bienvenidos a esta fascinante exploración del cerebro y su impacto en la educación! Prepárese para sumergirse en los descubrimientos de la neurociencia y descubrir cómo estos conocimientos pueden transformar nuestras aulas. Comenzaremos examinando la evolución de nuestra comprensión del cerebro y cómo esto ha influido en las prácticas educativas. Desde los descubrimientos sobre la neuroplasticidad hasta las imágenes por resonancia magnética funcional, la neurociencia está revolucionando nuestra visión del aprendizaje. Como educadores, es crucial que abracemos estos avances y los integremos en nuestros enfoques pedagógicos. La neurociencia nos brinda una base sólida para innovar y adaptar nuestras estrategias de enseñanza a las necesidades individuales de cada estudiante. Exploraremos cómo la información externa y los esquemas mentales dan forma a las creencias, pensamientos y puntos de vista de nuestros alumnos sobre el aprendizaje. Al comprender estos procesos, podemos crear entornos que fomenten una mentalidad de crecimiento y resiliencia. Pero cuidado: cuando estos esquemas mentales se distorsionan, pueden surgir pensamientos automáticos negativos y tendencias perfeccionistas que socavan el bienestar y el rendimiento de los estudiantes. Como educadores, debemos estar atentos y equipados para abordar estas dificultades. A través de ejemplos concretos, veremos cómo las respuestas inadecuadas de los maestros pueden reforzar patrones de pensamiento y comportamiento negativos. A cambio, al brindar apoyo, adaptar nuestra enseñanza y crear un ambiente acogedor, podemos fomentar el crecimiento y el éxito de cada niño. Además, exploraremos el fascinante concepto de neurodiversidad y cómo las diferencias neurológicas no deben ser vistas solo como trastornos, sino como un reflejo de la riqueza y complejidad de la naturaleza humana. Al valorar y nutrir esta diversidad, creamos aulas inclusivas y equitativas. Por último, reflexionaremos sobre la analogía del educador como arquitecto del cerebro. Al cuestionar nuestras prácticas, aprender y crecer, nos convertimos en constructores de una educación resiliente y adaptable, con cimientos profundos en la comprensión del cerebro y espacios abiertos para la creatividad y el pensamiento crítico.Daniel fue coordinador para el programa de OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD a los 15 años. ( Uno de los más jóvenes). Está certificado en el programa formativo de PROCEPA (entrenamiento práctico de educación teológica) y es graduado en misionología en Quingao escuela misionera (Escuela internacional). Daniel es Pastor en las asambleas de Dios del Perú.
Daniel también participa en el programa de formación en neuroeducación BRAINBOX. Actualmente estudia la carrera de medicina. A la par lleva un diplomado en Neurociencia en la universidad Harvard de EEUU.-
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Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
Explore solutions for maintaining equanimity during difficulty, and the incredible opportunities presented by "challenging" children.
1.5 CPDs, Run Time: 1:17:30
Dr. Montessori tells us, "All we really need to do is change our fundamental attitude to the child, and love him with a love which has faith in his personality and goodness; which sees not his faults but his virtues." But, as we all know, it is hard to change a fundamental attitude. It is hard to have faith in children when they are pushing every button; when they are continually "disruptive", "disrespectful", and "dis-regulated". Yet we are still called upon to love them even when they are at their most unlovable. In this lesson, we will explore practical solutions for maintaining your equanimity in the face of difficulty, and the incredible opportunities presented by "challenging" children.
Tom Brown is an AMI-trained guide specializing in both elementary and adolescent education, with an M.Ed. in Montessori Education and over a decade of experience teaching in public and private Montessori settings. He is the founder of Marigold Montessori, where he currently serves as an educational consultant, presenter, and coach. Tom has played a key role in establishing, leading, and supporting the growth of several Montessori schools and organizations in both the US and UK. He is also the editor of Direction Magazine, a publication of AMI UK. His work is driven by a deep commitment to social justice, ABAR (Anti-Bias, Anti-Racism) education, youth advocacy, and child-centered learning.-
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Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
We examine actions that promote the Kindergarten Leadership program.
1.5 CPDs, Run Time: 58:37
This webinar will address the importance of the Kindergarten year in Montessori, and how to communicate this to your school community in order to retain children for the final year. We will examine actions that promote the Kindergarten Leadership program from the moment families schedule their initial tour, all the way through their child’s Kindergarten graduation. We will discuss specifics of the Kindergarten curriculum with regard to lessons, additional responsibilities, field trips, presentations, and child-led events.
After the session attendees will:
How to build a culture that values the final year in early childhood MontessoriExplain
How to use language, communication, and visibility to increase retention for the Kindergarten yearImplement
The process of designing and implementing a Montessori Kindergarten curriculum with regard to lessons, field trips, presentations, and event planningKim Hahn is the Assistant Head of School, Primary Divisional Lead, and 3-6 Montessori Guide at Kirkwood Children’s House. She is the Early Childhood Sensorial and Math instructor at the Hope Montessori Educational Institute. Kim holds a Master’s degree in education and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology. Kim mentors several Montessori teachers in training around the St. Louis area. She and her husband live in St. Louis, MO and have two adult daughters.
Kerry Moran is the Head of School and Musikgarten teacher at Kirkwood Children’s House. She holds a Master’s degree in Montessori Education, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. Kerry is AMS certified at the Infant/Toddler and Early Childhood levels. She is also an instructor at Hope Montessori Educational Institute. Kerry resides in St. Louis, MO with her husband and three children.
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Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
Spiritual development can uplift us, our colleagues, and impact the positive development of our students.
1.5 CPDs, Run Time 41:50
This video will discuss spiritual development as a journey for all Montessori adults. The first half of the video will discuss the importance of engaging in spiritual development in a time of high burnout and low teacher retention, emphasizing how centering our wellness as adults is the only path to longevity in this work. The second half will discuss strategies to support Montessori adults across all levels. The video will culminate with a call to action for all those who serve our young people to see their spiritual development as the core of their practice and the method through which they can uplift themselves, their colleagues, and their impact on the positive development of their students.
Andrew believes in the potential for education to be transformative for all students. He has worked across K-12 and higher education in the U.S. and China. He is the Co-Founder of Developing Education, which operates three sub-divisions: The Enlightened Educator Project, First Intention, and Breaking the Paradigm. Andrew is also the Montessori Curriculum and Pedagogy Coordinator at the Oneness-Family Montessori High School. He holds a Masters in International Educational Development from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, a Bachelors in Anthropology from the University of Rochester, a Montessori Adolescent Certification from the Association Montessori Internationale, a Teaching for Equity Micro-Certification from Embracing Equity, and a certificate from the Phillips Exeter Humanities Institute.
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Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
What exactly is play and how can we, as the import adults in the lives of young children, promote an authentic, playful childhood?
1.5 CPDs, Run Time 58:24
Humans have evolved to learn most effectively through play; play is the human education instinct made manifest.
-The importance of self-motivation v. external motivation
-The downside of expecting obedience from young children and how to instead promote cooperation
-How to speak with children so they can think (instead of just obey)
-How and why play-based learning prepares children to be engaged citizens
What exactly is play and how can we, as the import adults in the lives of young children, promote an authentic, playful childhood.Tom Hobson is best known, however, for his namesake blog, "Teacher Tom's Blog," where he has posted daily for over a decade, chronicling the life and times of his little preschool in the rain soaked Pacific Northwest corner of the US. For nearly two decades Teacher Tom was the sole employee of the Woodland Park Cooperative School, a parent-owned and operated school, knit together by Teacher Tom's democratic, progressive play-based pedagogy. Teacher Tom came into teaching through the backdoor, so to speak, having enrolled his own child in a cooperative preschool, where he began working daily in his daughter's classroom as an assistant teacher under the tutelage of veteran educators although he'll be the first to tell you that most of what he learned came from the children themselves. When it was time for his daughter to move on, he "stayed behind.”
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Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
Transform your classroom from a space of mere survival into one filled with joy, and how this shift can impact your entire community.
1.5 CPDs, Run Time 51:45
The dominant narrative in education tells us that teaching is an act of survival—defined by overwork, unmanageable classrooms, and unrealistic expectations. But what if we challenged this story? What if our classrooms were centered instead on the joy and wellbeing of both teachers and children?
In this lesson, I’ll explore the transformative power of joy in Montessori environments and communities, and how leading with joy is a radical act of resistance against the current educational climate. We'll explore practical ways to transform your classroom from a space of mere survival into one filled with joy, and how this shift can impact your entire community.
Tom Brown is an AMI-trained guide specializing in both elementary and adolescent education, with an M.Ed. in Montessori Education and over a decade of experience teaching in public and private Montessori settings. He is the founder of Marigold Montessori, where he currently serves as an educational consultant, presenter, and coach. Tom has played a key role in establishing, leading, and supporting the growth of several Montessori schools and organizations in both the US and UK. He is also the editor of Direction Magazine, a publication of AMI UK. His work is driven by a deep commitment to social justice, ABAR (Anti-Bias, Anti-Racism) education, youth advocacy, and child-centered learning.-
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Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits
This presentation offers you both useful perspective and language to use in communicating with parents.
1.5 CPDs, Run Time 49:48
Dealing with parents can be one of the most challenging parts of educators’ jobs. This very practical presentation offers you both useful perspective and language to use in communicating with parents–especially about difficult topics–in order to create collaborative teacher-parent partnerships. It also helps you anticipate ways to handle challenging responses from parents.
Eileen Kennedy-Moore, PhD, (also known as “Dr. Friendtastic”) is an author, psychologist, and mom of four, based in Princeton, NJ. She is the creator of the Kids Ask Dr. Friendtastic podcast, where she answers questions from children about making and keeping friends. Her blog, Growing Friendships, on Psychology Today, has over 5 million views, and her TEDx talk on conflict resolution and bullying has over 250K views. Her recent books include Moody Moody Cars (for ages 4-8), Growing Friendships (for ages 6-12), and Kid Confidence (for parents).
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Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
In this workshop, we will examine physical activity as a form of self-care and a cornerstone for wellness.
1.5 CPDs, Run time: 38:22
In this workshop, we will examine physical activity as a form of self-care and a cornerstone for wellness. We will also delve into how the conscious development of physical literacy constitutes the most authentic and fitting implementation of the Montessori Movement and Physical Education Curriculum. Finally, we will explore how the further incorporation of wellness-related concepts and activities into the Montessori learning experience can better prepare children for life in uncertain times.
Barbara Murphy, PhD, is cofounder of a Montessori program in Miami, FL. She holds a Montessori Fundamentals Certificate (Early Childhood) from the Center for Guided Montessori Studies.
This webinar was originally presented at TME 2022.
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Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
En esta presentación, examinaremos el ejercicio físico como forma de autocuidado y piedra angular del bienestar. También veremos cómo el desarrollo consciente de la alfabetización física, siguiendo los principios Montessori, constituye la implementación más auténtica y actualmente relevante del plan de estudios de movimiento y educación física en Montessori. Finalmente, exploraremos cómo la mayor incorporación de conceptos y actividades de bienestar en la experiencia de aprendizaje puede ayudar a preparar mejor tanto a niños como a adultos para la vida en tiempos inciertos.
1.5 CPDs, Run time 43:17
En esta presentación, examinaremos el ejercicio físico como forma de autocuidado y piedra angular del bienestar. También veremos cómo el desarrollo consciente de la alfabetización física, siguiendo los principios Montessori, constituye la implementación más auténtica y actualmente relevante del plan de estudios de movimiento y educación física en Montessori. Finalmente, exploraremos cómo la mayor incorporación de conceptos y actividades de bienestar en la experiencia de aprendizaje puede ayudar a preparar mejor tanto a niños como a adultos para la vida en tiempos inciertos.
This webinar was originally presented at TME 2022.
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