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With unlimited access to on demand videos and over 175 videos available, you can hone your Montessori knowledge and skills at your own pace—in the comfort of your home. Learn directly from leaders in Montessori education, only on AMS Learning.

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Videos To Get You Started

Positive Discipline
Chip DeLorenzo presents strategies for taking your skills to new, Montessori-friendly depths through the use of Positive Discipline, which teaches that for discipline to be effective, it must—among other things—be kind, firm, and respectful, and invite children to discover how capable they are.
Montessori and ADD/ADHD
This webinar will present an examination of the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of attention deficit disorder in children from early childhood to adolescence, with a focus on children in the learning and social environments.
Classroom Assistants and You: Cultivating Healthy Relationships
Our presenter will walk you through concrete steps to take for building a checklist for your assistant to follow, when and how to allow your assistant to take on greater responsibilities in the classroom, and defining and respectfully enforcing boundaries.
Fundamental Practices of Motivation
In this webinar, you will learn why rewards hinder a student’s natural desire to learn, how praise can be a type of reward, and how this impacts a student’s development and sense of self.
Fostering Student Independence
In this session, the presenters will discuss classroom practices that encourage—or undermine—independence.
Working with Children in the Natural World
In this video, you’ll learn how you can utilize just one small square of your outdoor space for children to investigate topics of wonder and begin to perceive themselves as scientists.
AMS Learning Self-Guided Classes

New from AMS Learning

Self-Guided Classes

AMS self-guided classes are a convenient and flexible way for Montessori educators to continue their professional growth. Self-guided classes allow you to learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever it suits your schedule. Each class consists of a series of engaging videos, interactive content, asynchronous discussions, and supplementary materials designed to deepen your understanding and practice.

Explore Self-Guided Classes

Live Classes

Elevate your professional goals with these live courses and events combining instructor guidance, comprehensive on-demand content, and connection with like-minded Montessori educators.

The Montessori Event 2025, Denver, Colorado
AMS Instructor Academy
AMS Early Childhood Reading Certificate Program
AMS Curriculum Coaching Academy
AMS Elementary Writing Certificate Program
emerging leaders fellowship program
AMS Online Onboard
AMS Elementary Reading Certificate Program
Anti-Bias, Antiracist Certification Course
AMS Early Childhood Reading Certificate Program
Early Childhood Parent Course

Montessori Education: Beyond the classroom and into your home.

The only class designed for families interested in incorporating the Montessori philosophy into their day-to-day lives and parenting approach.

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For New Educators

Loving the Unlovable Child
Explore solutions for maintaining equanimity during difficulty, and the incredible opportunities presented by "challenging" children.
Kindergarten Leadership: The Culmination of the First Plane of Development
We examine actions that promote the Kindergarten Leadership program.
The Enlightened Guide: Avoiding Burnout Through Spiritual Preparation of the Adult
Spiritual development can uplift us, our colleagues, and impact the positive development of our students.
Radical Joy and Classroom Management
Transform your classroom from a space of mere survival into one filled with joy, and how this shift can impact your entire community.
How to Handle Challenging Conversations with Parents
This presentation offers you both useful perspective and language to use in communicating with parents.
Building the Foundation for Montessori Wellness
In this workshop, we will examine physical activity as a form of self-care and a cornerstone for wellness.

Unlimited Access. Whenever. Wherever.

For less than $9 a month, become a member of AMS and receive unlimited access to our on demand library of professional development as well as other great benefits.

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